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media production

create memorable experiences.

audio/visual touchpoints

Award-winning media production designed exclusively for your business.

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Sound Design

Our sound engineers have created award-winning audio production since 1981.  Whether it's audio for radio, web, tv, podcasts, or even on-hold systems - we can bring your brand to life in new and innovative ways.

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Need a national spot shot in HD video or a promo piece for your corporate presentation?  We can assist. Our writers, shooters and editors are experts at communication with moving visuals and engaging sound design.

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Studio, location, or drone. Still life or lifestyle photography with people. We can shoot it! In-house photography gives us - and our clients - total control over the creative product. It also helps maintain control over budgets and more importantly - timeline.

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Virtual Tours

Are you looking to create a virtual online experience for remote viewing?  We have created state-of-the-art virtual tours for real estate, vacation rentals, museums, restaurants, and more.  In today's world, VR tours can connect your business with users all over.

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Live Event Streaming

Live event streaming has become more popular than ever.  Whether you are looking to stream a press event, corporate seminar, or even a city council meeting, chances are we have already done it and can provide valuable insight to your team.   

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Smart Messaging

PhoneNetix is a unique approach to on-hold marketing.  We can create a program that is unique and completely customized for your business. It’s just like owning your own radio station. Imagine the music of your choice, an announcer who plugs you, and commercials about your business everytime your phone rings!

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